Sorry. Dockerized SPM-Monitoring Web Console not supported anymore. Download Web Console and use SelfHosted WebConsole manual or Classic installation as IIS Web Application manual.

If you like docker we have containerized Web Console application for you.

  1. Download and Install Docker for Windows
    SPM Web Console docker container based on Windows containers.
    Your docker must be run on Windows and switched to Windows containers.

2. Open PowerShell window and pull SPM Web Console image. There is a different images for Windows Desktop and Windows Server based systems.
docker pull dmitrykw/spm-webconsole:win-desktop – tested on Windows 10
docker pull dmitrykw/spm-webconsole:win-server – tested on Windows Server 2019

3. Create and start new docker container based on this image. (80 – is the port used for app inside container. Don`t need to change it. 8000 – is the port using for connection from outside to this container. You can change it if you want.)
docker run -d -p 8000:80 –name spm-webconsole-container dmitrykw/spm-webconsole:win-desktop – for Windows Desktop
docker run -d -p 8000:80 –name spm-webconsole-container dmitrykw/spm-webconsole:win-server – for Windows Server

4. Now Application is working but not configured for connection to you SPM Monitoring system.
Now we need to put webconsole config file into the container.

Download default config file from here : config.cfg
And place it somewhere on your computer. For example to d:\config.cfg.

Then edit the file.

api_hostname: is your SPM Monitoring hostname and port
api_key: is your api key from SPM Monitoring Options Tab => SelfHosted Rest API
readonly: if you want that this Web Console not to be able to make changes in your SPM monitoring system you should set readonly=true

Then we need to put this config file into container:

a. Stop the container.
docker stop spm-webconsole-container

b. Copy file into container.
docker cp D:\config.cfg spm-webconsole-container:C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Config\config.cfg

c. Start the container.
docker start spm-webconsole-container

That is all. Open the console in your web browser: http://localhost:8000