Current Agent version:
- First update your package list:
sudo yum update - Second we need to install sysstat. This utility using for measuring disks load.
sudo yum install sysstat - In your home directory – download binary archive:
wget - Make directory to extract:
mkdir spm-agent_files - And extract files into this directory:
tar -xzvf spm-agent.tar.gz -C /$HOME/spm-agent_files - Lets copy binary file into system /bin directory:
sudo cp spm-agent_files/bin/SPM_AgentService_Linux /bin/ - Copy configuration file into system /etc/ directory:
sudo cp spm-agent_files/etc/spm-agent.conf /etc/ - And copy systemd daemon file into systemd directory:
sudo cp spm-agent_files/etc/systemd/system/spm-agent.service /etc/systemd/system/ - Now we can delete temp directory with extracted files:
rm -r spm-agent_files - Go to configuration file:
sudo nano /etc/spm-agent.conf
a. Put the encryption key from SPM Monitoring options to the encryption_key filed
b. Optionally you can change listen port in listen_port filed - Reload systemd daemon configuration:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload - Enable autostart for SPM Agent service in systemd:
sudo systemctl enable spm-agent - Start systemd SPM Agent service:
sudo systemctl start spm-agent - Check the status of service:
sudo systemctl status spm-agent
Press Ctrl-C to exit. - Add exception to system firewall:
a. Check what firewall zone is using your network adapter at this time: firewall-cmd –get-active-zones
b. Open tcp port from configuration file (4538/tcp by default) for your zone: sudo firewall-cmd —zone=public –permanent –add-port=4538/tcp
c. Reload firewall: sudo firewall-cmd –reload
Requirements: Tested on CentOS 7/8