Current Agent version:

  1. First update your package list:
    sudo apt update
  2. Second upgrade your packages:
    sudo apt upgrade
  3. In your home directory – download installation .deb:
  4. Run installation:
    sudo apt install ./spm-agent.deb
  5. Click Yes when you asked for installing package dependencies.
  6. Now package successfully installed and started. But not configured.
  7. Stop the application daemon:
    sudo systemctl stop spm-agent
  8. Go to configuration file:
    sudo nano /etc/spm-agent.conf
  9. Put the encryption key from SPM Monitoring options to the encryption_key filed.
  10. Optionally you can change listen port in listen_port filed.
  11. Start application service again:
    sudo systemctl start spm-agent
  12. And check its status:
    sudo systemctl status spm-agent
  13. If you are using firewall, – add exception:
    sudo ufw allow 4538/tcp

Application depends of iostat package (using for hdd drives load measurement) and will install it automatically if need.

Requirements: Tested on Ubuntu 20.04/20.10 / Ubuntu 18.04/18.10/ 16.04(amd64) / Debian 10.8